Home saved from closing

Home saved from closing

Proud moments indeed. Heideveld CCC played a instrumental part in the takeover of the 3 old age homes in Heideveld. Bonteheuwel and Bishop Lavis that was suppose to be closed down, will now be run by the IHATA shelter in 5th street. We have asked them for the people within the community’s to be given first privilege as soon as vacancies are open.
PLEASE forward your cv to nuraan@ihatashelter.org.za
Quick narration as how it came about:
Our Secretary General formed a task team consisting of the Excos within the CCC and the affected community’s . We were instructed to get all relevant information from wherever and whoever. When all the required information was attained, we had to involve the organizations in our case which were the Heideveld business forum and the NPOs. These organizations are pillars in our communities and they have done many good deeds. We couldn’t have done this without them. Community’s that works together are stronger together.


Thank you to our Secretary General, Sakeena Frenchman who got the ball rolling. If it wasn’t for your fast thinking the old age homes would have been closed. CCC. For the people, by the people. CCC moving forward.

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