Cape Couloured Congress
We'll build a better future together

We will be contesting our very first election in Delft. This will be our first step towards a better life for all. Come and be part of it.
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About Cape Coloured Congress
Mission and Vision

Fight for Civil Rights

Right to Education

Political Solutions
The vision of Cape Coloured Congress is for the First Nation Descendants and for all minorities that has been previously disadvantaged and are currently disadvantaged full recognition, active in all spheres of society as full participants in the economy, civil society and governance and in nation building. To be known as part of the people that makes up the diverse South African Nation.
Policy Positions
Campaign Principles
How we can build a better country together! Donate or Volunteer.
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Upcoming Events
Vote on 21 April 2021
8:00am to 2:00pm
Interview on Cape Talk
12:00am to 12:20pm
.Cape Town
Catch us live on VOC
12:25am to 2:55pm
.Cape Town
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